khutbah solat jumaat tadi bertajuk "selamatkan gaza",terdetik plak nak tulis tentang peperangan palestine & israel.....kita semua serba tahu,yang punca utama sekarang adalah israel.....menuduh negara arab sebagai terrorist,padahal israel pula....nak dikategorikan sebagai apa???
so,aku da tengok vote kat laman web banyak berpihak kepada Palestine....dan disamping tu,ada juga mesej2 yang disampaikan.....
khutbah solat jumaat tadi bertajuk "selamatkan gaza",terdetik plak nak tulis tentang peperangan palestine & israel.....kita semua serba tahu,yang punca utama sekarang adalah israel.....menuduh negara arab sebagai terrorist,padahal israel pula....nak dikategorikan sebagai apa???
so,aku da tengok vote kat laman web banyak berpihak kepada Palestine....dan disamping tu,ada juga mesej2 yang disampaikan.....
american taxpayer wake up! Liberate yourself from the Zionists liars and murders. They occupied our country and are willing to destroy us .They used our money and destroyed our economy .They used our blood by force your politicians in a stupid war in Iraq ,because of them 86.78% off the world hates USA. These Nazi Zionists never cease lying, they force your with liars to keep supporting them even when they keel innocent babies and kids. Wake up, before they kill our babies and kids too. Stop Jewish war crimes! Jews represent 0.002 per cent to the world, they believe they are chosen by god, I believe that devils are less in number comparing to angels and this is why their population never increase.
from: Palestine supporter (usa)
DEAR ARAB NEIGHBOURS! DO YOU REALY THINK THAT WE ARE SO POLITICALY CORRECT TO LEAVE OUR COUNTRY AND INVITE YOU TO LIVE HERE? ITS SO FUNNY! YOU COULDN\'T WIN ANY WAR AGAINST ISRAEL AND COULDN\'T FRIGHTEN US WITH YOUR TERROR ATTACKS. IF YOU HOPE TO BE SHAHIDS-YOU ARE WELCOME,WE CAN GIVE YOU THIS CHANCE..... BUT IF YOU ARE DREAMING ABOUT SOMETHING MORE-FORGET YOUR FOOLISH DREAMS,YOU HAVE NOT ANY CHANCE!itu masing2 punya pendapat....tapi yang pasti majoriti 98% pengundi israel ialah USA and israel.....but dunia tetap memilih Palestine.....ini dapat dilihat pada statik vote....ok la,lihat la kekejaman israel terhadap,sama2 la boikot israel!!!!
from: israel supporter (usa)

4 comment on :: palestine vs israel :: :
saya cadangkan awak tgok laman web ini....
ada yg menarik ek...
nnti gue cek...
x apa... kita tertipu... aku pon tertipu jugak... yang penting sekarang, kita sebarkan kepada semua org pulak... jgn bagi diorang tertipu balik... k???
tu la....
xsangka ek.....
tp web tu mmg active la....
ramai gak tertipu...
isk isk...
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