hari ini dlm sejarah.....wahh!!aku kn tag lg....kali ni,dr makcik ku yg jauh di kepulauan borneo...makcik owon....thankz la sbb tag gue.....terpaksa la gue cungkil rahsia sndiri...hohoho
The Basics
Hair Color: Black...
Eye Color: Dark Brown...
Profession: Engineer...
Relationship Status: Married but available...
My Favorites
Favorite Color: Black, Brown & White...
Favorite Car: Mercedes Benz SLR Mclaren...
Favorite Movie: Team medical dragon (IRYU)...
Favorite Hobby: Sleeping...
Favorite Song/Singer: Munajat cinta - the rock ft ahmad dhani...
Favorite School Subject: Math & add Math...
Favorite Vacation Destination: Brazil...
Favorite Food: Sambal belacan...
Favorite Restaurant: Nasi kandar nashmir...
Favorite Animal: Ant...
Favorite Celebrity : Jennifer aniston
Favorite Childhood Friend: Hilmi...
Favorite Baby Name: Tuah & Mimi...
Favorite Person In Your Life: My family...
This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate...
Big Mac or Whopper: Big Mac...
Coke or Pepsi : Soya bean...
Beer or Wine: Sorry, I dun drink that stuff...
Coffee or Tea: Horlicks...
Apple Juice or O.J.: Orange juice...
Facebook or MySpace: friendster...
Summer or Winter: Winter...
Windows or Mac: Windows...
Cats or Dogs: Ants...
Boxers or Briefs: Trunk...
Rain or Shine : Rain...
Chips or Popcorn: Popcorn...
Salty or Sweet: Salty...
Plane or Boat: Ship...
Morning or Night: Night...
Movie or Play: Movie...
Walk or Drive: Walk...
Money or Love: Money...
Breakfast or Dinner: Dinner...
Forgiveness or Revenge: Revenge...
Paint or Wallpaper: Paint...
House or Apartment: Apartment...
Do You?
Have Any Pets: Nope...
Have Any Children: Not yet...
Smoke: Never...
Drink: Air suam?? everyday...
Exercise: Sometime...
Spend Your Life On Facebook: Nope...
Play On A Sports Team: Yes...
Belong To Any Organizations: No...
Love Your Job: Not sure, still confuse...
Like To Cook: Still learning...
Play An Instrument: Nope...
Sing: Like profesional singer..hahha...
Dance: Of course...
Speak Multiple Languages: Tagalog, Hindi, Japan etc...
Ice Skate: I like it...
Swim: Yes...
Paint: No...
Write: Kurang skit...
Ski: I wish...
Juggle: Boleh aja...
Have You Ever
Stolen Anything: Yes...
Been Drunk Before Noon: Nope...
Had Sex In A Public Place: Never...
Got Caught Telling A Lie: Sometimes...hehe...
Got A Speeding Ticket: Nope...
Been Arrested: Nope...
Had A One Night Stand: Hmm...
Describe Yourself In One Word: Handsome...
Biggest Fear: ALLAH...
#1 Priority In Your Life: My money...
Dream Job: Pengarah Urusan Petronas...cewah!!...
Where Are You Right Now: Bandaraya Yan...
Where Would You Rather Be: Sea...
Famous Person You Want To Meet: Steven Gerrard...
Place To Visit Before You Die: Any place...
then,mangsa tagged aku adalah...
# ieka...
# ubi...
# mama aleesa....
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