Hmm….dlm kesibukan ni, lupa plak besday mak aku 5 May lps, skrg my mom dh 47 thn….sambil tu nk wish tuk my mother “HAPPY MOTHER DAY” 13 May ni…..kn wish awal2 la…kang lupa lak….dgn ucapan aku tujukan buat my lovely mom…
Dearest mom, the word “mother” must be so musical. For it’s linked with things so incredible…..like “mother earth” you protected me against the evil….like “mother land” you shouldered me during life’s battle…..like “mother nature” you colored my days in every angle….like “motherboard” you empowered me to be logical…..but, your love is invaluable, your words are musical. To me, you are the most special and I thank you for making motherhood a true miracle…..
8 comment on :: my lovely mom :: :
saya sayang mama~
mother day 13 ni ekkk??
aiseh~ your mum cantik ar~ ;p
mother's day 13 hb ke?? bukn 14?? alahai.. confuse plak.. b4 ni mmg x amek tau psl hari ibu.. huhuhu..
thankz owon....
mak gue dh 47 thn la....
anak dia pun hensem gak.....
sebeno nya,
gu pun konfius gak...
bl mather day sebenonya....
47?? muda masih.. hehehe my mum jauh lebey tua dari your mum..
anak die 'perasan' ensem adalah.. kuikuikui.. lorr.. confuse jugak.. huehue
bukan ke mother day 15may??aiyo...gue pun dah confused!!!ahaa la mie's mum muda lagi..my mum dah 52taon.tapi still nmpk muda..aisehmen...hahahahahah...apa kata tag owon & ieka tunjuk gmbr mak dorang..hehehe...boleh ke???(^o^)
mama gue antara termuda kat sini...
umo mak aku 43~
nak main tag2 gmbar mama...apa kes?
date 2...yg pasti mama aku sambut hari guru 16 mei...
xkisah la...
nk wat tag ke...
or nk wat poem tu ur mom....
tp dh 1thn lbh xjupe my mom ni..
tgk gambo ngan suara je....
bl la leh blk ni...
hahahah..padan muka~
sapa suh blaja jauh2??
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