akhir abis gak aku tgk cite ni....walaupun bz ngan assessment & asignmnt...smpat gak abiskan cite ni...best gak layan cite fiction science ni....skrg dh abis season 1...season 2, summer ni br kluar...xlm dh....janji dpt tgk sambungan cite ni plak...sapa xtgk lg...tgk la, best ooo....
ni sinopsis nye...tp kalo nk tau lbh detail...layan la...
A teenage boy is found wandering alone. He has no name. He has no past. As innocent as a newborn, he doesn't speak and he seems to look at the world as if for the first time. With no place else to take him, the police send him to juvenile hall where he's given the name Kyle. It's obvious that Kyle isn't like the other kids, but when it's discovered that he has no bellybutton, an administrator begins to realize just how different Kyle might be. He calls in Nicole Trager, a kind-hearted social worker, to help with the case. Sensing something special about Kyle, Nicole takes him home, much to the chagrin of her husband, teenage daughter and boisterous young son.
Settling into the Trager's busy household isn't easy. There is so much Kyle doesn't know, and yet he demonstrates amazing abilities no one can explain. His talents are just the tip of the mystery, and the questions are just starting to grow: Who is Kyle? Where did he come from? Who is the man watching him?
Every day, Kyle encounters something new... music, a pretty neighbor, a wild party, danger, lies, jealousy, humor, touch, trust, love. And each day, the Tragers think they are getting to know him. But the mystery surrounding Kyle is just beginning.
2 comment on :: kyle xy :: :
best tak citer ni? cam best je! ulasan la skit beb
mmg best gak ni...
sesuai tuk teenager...
tp kalo nk taulbh lanjut...
cek la web ni...
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